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$Id: README,v 1.1 2003/11/15 18:27:08 thesaur Exp $
Installation for HTML_Progress is as simple as any other PEAR classes.
Just enter on command line: pear install (tarball)
where (tarball) is an archive file like HTML_Progress-1.0.tgz
If you need more detailed help, check out INSTALL
Release Notes
Release notes for the newest version are in Release-1.0
1.0 is out, a STABLE bugfix release
To learn how to do, read online APIdoc and tutorials in many formats at
If you find a bug please send me a mail with subject HTML_Progress at:
Or put a new entry on PEAR BugTracker at :
How To generate the API doc and tutorials (made with phpDocumentor 1.2.3)
Guide is based on "HTML:frames:DOM/earthli" converter
First you need to hack a little phpDocumentor converters options.ini file.
In [ppage] section of options.ini,
# adds:
graphic = img
graphic->fileref = src
graphic/ =
to allow display of images (progress screenshots).
# adds:
tip = <div class="tips">
/tip = </div>
to allow display of tips area
At end of options.ini file,
# adds:
;tag_attr = true
;attr_name = true
cdata_start = true
open = <img src="../media/tip.gif" />
close =
if you want to have the little icon on left corner
Second you need to hack a little phpDocumentor converters stylesheet file.
# adds:
.tips { padding: 0.5em; margin-left: 2em; font-style: italic; font-size: 10pt; background-color: lightyellow; color: black; width: 80%;}
for Tips display
Finally, you have to run phpdoc (or perharps docBuilder - Webinterface):
phpdoc [commandline]
where command_line switches are :
-f <pathTo>HTML\Progress.php to parse main file
-d <pathTo>HTML\Progress,<pathTo>HTML\Progress\tutorials to parse all subclasses and tutorial files
-po HTML_Progress to restrict generation to HTML_Progress, NOT included Error_Raise
-o <you favorite output format> for example "HTML:frames:DOM/earthli"
-t <target directory> where you want to put generated files
General Notes
HTML_Progress is hosted at http://pear.laurent-laville.org, with downloads and
online documentation
Project page: http://pear.laurent-laville.org/HTML/Progress
Documentation: http://pear.laurent-laville.org/HTML/Progress/apidoc/
HTML_Progress 1.0 is released under the PHP License version 3.0, text is in
Feature Notes
HTML_Progress is a PEAR class that provides a way to add a loading bar
fully customizable in existing XHTML documents. Your browser should accept DHTML feature.
Features since version 0.5.0
- allows usage of an existing stylesheet for colors and size model
- all colors and size elements are customizable
- show or hide text percent information
- set/add and returns value of current status of progress
- compliant with all CSS/XHMTL standards
- integration with template engine ITx family is possible
- create horizontal and also vertival bar
Features since version 0.6.0
- optional message line come with progress status.
- percent text info is now floating all around the progress bar
- scale can be change (default is 100)
- legend of percent text info can be change (default is "%")
- progress bar will now take by default the optimized size (height, width)
- define font-size and color of each cell with new API setCell
Improvement since version 0.6.1
- ProgressMaker is a dynamic tools to build and test all functionalities
Improvement since version 0.6.2
- ProgressMaker got a new skin, and allows to keep previous settings
- Allows use of iframes solution to display 2 progress bar on same page
Features since version 1.0
- create horizontal and also vertival bar
- allows usage of an existing external StyleSheet and/or JavaScript
- all elements (progress, cells, string) are customizable by their html properties
- percent/string is floating all around the progress bar
- compliant with all CSS/XHMTL standards
- integration with template engine IT[x] family is possible
- HTML_Progress now implements a Observer design pattern. It is possible to add Listeners.
- HTML_Progress now adds a customizable UI monitor pattern to display a progress bar.
User-end can abort progress at any time.
- Look and feel can be sets by internal API or an external config file.
- Allows many progress bar on same page without uses of iframe solution.
If something is missing from this list make sure to file a feature request
at my mail address <pear@laurent-laville.org>
Thanks to Klaus Guenther, author of great PEAR classes HTML_Page and HTML_CSS
Thanks to Hans Lellelid to help me to find a config problem on HTML_Progress
Thanks to Davey Shafik to help me to see problems on notice errors
Thanks to Arnaud Limbourg to give me idea (Horz./Vert bars) to improve this package
Thanks to Greg Beaver for warning about Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated
Thanks to Stefan Neufeind for his enhancement-proposal to keep compatibility with Opera6
Thanks to Christian Wenz to help me to fix javascript errors on IE4 and NS4 browsers
Special Thanks to Rasmus Lerdorf, without him PHP and all this universe won't be!