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- $Id: README,v 1.1 2003/11/15 18:27:08 thesaur Exp $
- ********************************************************************************
- HTML_Progress
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- Installation
- ********************************************************************************
- Installation for HTML_Progress is as simple as any other PEAR classes.
- Just enter on command line: pear install (tarball)
- where (tarball) is an archive file like HTML_Progress-1.0.tgz
- If you need more detailed help, check out INSTALL
- ********************************************************************************
- Release Notes
- ********************************************************************************
- Release notes for the newest version are in Release-1.0
- 1.0 is out, a STABLE bugfix release
- To learn how to do, read online APIdoc and tutorials in many formats at
- http://pear.laurent-laville.org/HTML/Progress/apidoc/
- If you find a bug please send me a mail with subject HTML_Progress at:
- <pear@laurent-laville.org>
- Or put a new entry on PEAR BugTracker at :
- http://pear.php.net/bugs/search.php?cmd=display&status=Open&bug_type[]=HTML_Progress
- ********************************************************************************
- How To generate the API doc and tutorials (made with phpDocumentor 1.2.3)
- ********************************************************************************
- Guide is based on "HTML:frames:DOM/earthli" converter
- ----
- First you need to hack a little phpDocumentor converters options.ini file.
- (PEAR\data\PhpDocumentor\phpDocumentor\Converters\HTML\frames\templates\DOM\earthli\options.ini)
- In [ppage] section of options.ini,
- # adds:
- graphic = img
- graphic->fileref = src
- graphic/ =
- to allow display of images (progress screenshots).
- # adds:
- tip = <div class="tips">
- /tip = </div>
- to allow display of tips area
- At end of options.ini file,
- # adds:
- [tip_title]
- ;tag_attr = true
- ;attr_name = true
- cdata_start = true
- open = <img src="../media/tip.gif" />
- close =
- if you want to have the little icon on left corner
- ----
- Second you need to hack a little phpDocumentor converters stylesheet file.
- (PEAR\data\PhpDocumentor\phpDocumentor\Converters\HTML\frames\templates\DOM\earthli\templates\media\stylesheet.css)
- # adds:
- .tips { padding: 0.5em; margin-left: 2em; font-style: italic; font-size: 10pt; background-color: lightyellow; color: black; width: 80%;}
- for Tips display
- ----
- Finally, you have to run phpdoc (or perharps docBuilder - Webinterface):
- phpdoc [commandline]
- where command_line switches are :
- -f <pathTo>HTML\Progress.php to parse main file
- -d <pathTo>HTML\Progress,<pathTo>HTML\Progress\tutorials to parse all subclasses and tutorial files
- -po HTML_Progress to restrict generation to HTML_Progress, NOT included Error_Raise
- -o <you favorite output format> for example "HTML:frames:DOM/earthli"
- -t <target directory> where you want to put generated files
- ********************************************************************************
- General Notes
- ********************************************************************************
- HTML_Progress is hosted at http://pear.laurent-laville.org, with downloads and
- online documentation
- Project page: http://pear.laurent-laville.org/HTML/Progress
- Documentation: http://pear.laurent-laville.org/HTML/Progress/apidoc/
- HTML_Progress 1.0 is released under the PHP License version 3.0, text is in
- LICENSE file
- ********************************************************************************
- Feature Notes
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- HTML_Progress is a PEAR class that provides a way to add a loading bar
- fully customizable in existing XHTML documents. Your browser should accept DHTML feature.
- Features since version 0.5.0
- - allows usage of an existing stylesheet for colors and size model
- - all colors and size elements are customizable
- - show or hide text percent information
- - set/add and returns value of current status of progress
- - compliant with all CSS/XHMTL standards
- - integration with template engine ITx family is possible
- - create horizontal and also vertival bar
- Features since version 0.6.0
- - optional message line come with progress status.
- - percent text info is now floating all around the progress bar
- - scale can be change (default is 100)
- - legend of percent text info can be change (default is "%")
- - progress bar will now take by default the optimized size (height, width)
- - define font-size and color of each cell with new API setCell
- Improvement since version 0.6.1
- - ProgressMaker is a dynamic tools to build and test all functionalities
- Improvement since version 0.6.2
- - ProgressMaker got a new skin, and allows to keep previous settings
- - Allows use of iframes solution to display 2 progress bar on same page
- Features since version 1.0
- - create horizontal and also vertival bar
- - allows usage of an existing external StyleSheet and/or JavaScript
- - all elements (progress, cells, string) are customizable by their html properties
- - percent/string is floating all around the progress bar
- - compliant with all CSS/XHMTL standards
- - integration with template engine IT[x] family is possible
- - HTML_Progress now implements a Observer design pattern. It is possible to add Listeners.
- - HTML_Progress now adds a customizable UI monitor pattern to display a progress bar.
- User-end can abort progress at any time.
- - Look and feel can be sets by internal API or an external config file.
- - Allows many progress bar on same page without uses of iframe solution.
- If something is missing from this list make sure to file a feature request
- at my mail address <pear@laurent-laville.org>
- ********************************************************************************
- Thanks
- ********************************************************************************
- Thanks to Klaus Guenther, author of great PEAR classes HTML_Page and HTML_CSS
- Thanks to Hans Lellelid to help me to find a config problem on HTML_Progress
- Thanks to Davey Shafik to help me to see problems on notice errors
- Thanks to Arnaud Limbourg to give me idea (Horz./Vert bars) to improve this package
- Thanks to Greg Beaver for warning about Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated
- Thanks to Stefan Neufeind for his enhancement-proposal to keep compatibility with Opera6
- Thanks to Christian Wenz to help me to fix javascript errors on IE4 and NS4 browsers
- Special Thanks to Rasmus Lerdorf, without him PHP and all this universe won't be!